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Pollution's conclusion

Now, If you have not noticed, my blog's theme is to make the world a better place. That is what my blog is ALL about now and forever. Here I will talk about Pollution, how it affects the world, and how to make it stop.


The Corona Virus has positive and negative affects and one of the positive is since all the factories that pollute are closed and that nobody is using their vehicles all the air is cleaner. For example in Venice, Italy the canals were super dirty and now because the pollution stopped, the canals are super clean now! Another example is that in India because of the pollution you could not see the monuments and now you can see them VERY clearly.

Pollution also affects all the animals in the ocean and it really puts them in danger. It should stop.

We should all stop polluting the oceans and we should also put ourselves in all the animals shoes and think "How would you feel if monsters invaded you world and tried to destroy it?". I feel really sad that the people on Earth would try to HURT some innocent little animals ( maybe accidentally but now you know).

There is a competition where kids team up and compete for designing the best structure to help the pollution stop and clean the ocean. Whichever team wins can win states or country(not literally win a state, it means that they are the best in the state or the best in the country). If you win states you get a small prize. If you win for the Country you and your team get a really big prize. Usually schools give them this as a school work in teams. This will help the pollution stop.This year, 2020, MY teachers asked us to team up and do it too. Obviously we did not win but it was a lot of fun even though we helped. Lots of people think helping means extra work but usually that is not what it means.

Right now in the ocean there is more pollution than fish. It is very sad. Studies show that most likely the oceans will have no fish by 2048. That would mean that there would be no more seafood for us. People on Earth have no idea what they are doing because their are doing it accidentally to hurt our OWN planet! They don't know what they are doing. A lesson that we should all learn is that we should not pollute the ocean or.. well ...... anywhere.

A few types of pollution and the reasons why they happen are:

  • Air pollution

  1. The burning of fossil fuels

  2. Sulfur dioxide emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels like coal

  3. Petroleum and other factory combustibles are one the major cause of air pollution

  • light pollution

  1. caused by inefficient or unnecessary use of artificial light

  • noise pollution

  1. road traffic

  2. air traffic

  3. construction

  • plastic pollution

  1. land-based use

  2. trash where it is not supposed to be

  • thermal pollution

  1. Thermal pollution occurs when water bodies are degraded in terms of altering their temperatures

  • visual pollution

  1. Excessive use of illuminated billboards and animations on roads

  2. Excessive use of television advertising

  3. Garbage agglomerated in public spaces

  4. Constructions or distortions in natural environments that scare away the fauna of that space

  • water pollution

  1. Industrial waste

  2. Sewage and wastewater

  3. Mining activities

  4. Marine dumping

  5. Accidental oil leakage

  6. The burning of fossil fuels

  7. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides

  8. Leakage from sewer lines

  • Radioactive contamination

  1. Nuclear accidents from nuclear energy generation plants

  2. The use of nuclear weapons as weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

  3. Use of radio isotopes

  4. Mining

  5. Spillage of radioactive chemicals

  6. Tests on radiation

  7. Cosmic rays

  8. Genetic mutations

  9. soil contamination

  • littering

  1. Laziness and carelessness

  2. Construction projects

Pollution's Effects:

"Human activities contaminate ecosystems around the world—from pole to pole, from the highest mountains to the ocean deep. Toxic chemicals can be found in pristine forests and the blood of Arctic animals. Litter floats beneath the surface of oceans miles away from land. Even excess noise and light are interrupting natural patterns and disrupting the lives of animals and people."

"Human activities, especially agriculture, have led to large increases in the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the environment. In water, this overabundance of nutrients, a process called eutrophication, can fuel the excessive growth of phytoplankton and algae, which can sometimes have devastating consequences. Harmful algal blooms—blooms of species that produce deadly toxins and sometimes known as “red tides” or “brown tides” for their appearance in the water—can kill fish, marine mammals and seabirds and harm humans. And when the algae and other organisms that had been allowed to bloom because of the nutrient excess eventually die off, bacteria may suck up all the oxygen from the water as the algae decompose. This hypoxia creates a “dead zone” where fish cannot live. More than 400 areas around the world have been identified as experiencing eutrophication and 169 are hypoxic."

Why stop?:

Pollution should stop for many reasons like that it should stop because it endangers animals, hurts animal's homes, gives us less seafood because seafood comes from fish and the animals from the ocean, etc.We should all think about how it is affecting the world and how YOU can help it stop. Pollution is important and bad. We all now that but the future should not because it is going to end!!! Right? Are you going to take a part in stopping this from expanding? If you are I would love to know. Please, if you do take a part in stopping pollution or if you already are please tell me in the comment box!! Hope You enjoyed!

Hint for my next blog post: Similar to pollution and starts with an L also wants a conclusion and always ends well

Poem is by: Me, the writer

All the types that I listed will stop with YOUR help

So sad, am I right!


Think about how to help and after you think and find a solution help the world make it STOP!!

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Apr 07, 2020

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